The Christmas Eve Youth Mass this year is the MIDNIGHT Mass (the band will be playing). Then, the New Year's Eve Youth Mass is at 6:00pm.
Remember to make time and room in your heart for Christ this Christmas!
After all, it is all about Him and he is knocking at your door! :)
Dear parents,

If you are like most parents I have had the pleasure of speaking to, you are probably concerned for the spiritual well-being of your children. The youth of today encounter many obstacles, distractions, influences and ideologies that often compete for their attention and attempt to lead them away from Christ. However, let us always remain hopeful, actively prayerful, and joyful in knowing that Christ is our strength, and that with His Divine aid we can help bring the hearts of young people back to Him. It is our hope that through our ministry, we can assist you, as parents, in the faith-education of your children.
In the same way, we ask you to pray for us (the priests, volunteers and paid staff) and for our work with young people, as your prayers support us and strengthen us in our ministry.
I hope this blog serves to bring you information about all of our programs, as well as provide you with interesting articles and resources that will help you learn more about the faith and how to lead your children to Christ. I will post a number of articles at the bottom of this letter and will update the list regularly.
I especially encourage you to take a look at the "About Us" section of the LifeTeen Website for more information about the youth ministry approach we utilize at Merciful Redeemer.
If there is any way in which we can serve you and your children, please do not hesitate to contact us at the Parish. Be assured that we already keep you in our prayers.
In Christ,
Miri RomeroAlvarez
Youth Ministry Coordinator
Merciful Redeemer Parish
Disclaimer: The following links are just resources that I think you might find helpful. I have tried to provide you only with articles that are in line with Catholic teaching and the Magisterium the Church, although sometimes the websites in which these articles are published may be of a secular nature.The views, messages and content presented in these websites are not endorsed by Merciful Redeemer Parish or any members of its staff. It is your responsibility to analyze the content and judge whether it is useful for your family.
Women for Faith and Family
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