Welcome to my blog for Merciful Redeemer Parish's Youth Group! Here you will find information about Edge and LifeTeen, as well as our calendar of events and some pretty awesome resources to help you grow in your faith and develop a closer relationship with Christ! Enjoy! - Miri

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

UPDATED DATES: Talent Show Auditions! (Edge & LifeTeen)

The LifeTeen and Edge Talent Shows are coming up in May and June, so get your act together (no pun intended ;)) and get ready to audition! You MUST book an audition appointment ASAP if you want to participate in the Talent Show, as there are limited spaces!

LifeTeen Talent Show: May 28th
LifeTeen Auditions: April 30 and May 7, 3:00-6:00pm

Edge Talent Show: June 17th
Edge Auditions: June 4, 3:00-5:00pm

To book an audition, email Miri at ym@mercifulredeemer.org or call (905) 812-0030 ext 7 (leave a message if there is no answer).

In addition to displaying our great local talent, we will also be raising funds to help our World Youth Day pilgrims cover the cost of their trip! :)

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