Welcome to my blog for Merciful Redeemer Parish's Youth Group! Here you will find information about Edge and LifeTeen, as well as our calendar of events and some pretty awesome resources to help you grow in your faith and develop a closer relationship with Christ! Enjoy! - Miri

Monday, October 31, 2011

This Week at MRP Youth Ministry



How do we know the Catholic Church is THE ONE TRUE CHURCH? How do you FIT in this Church? What is YOUR role?

Join us for an interesting Life Night in which we will talk about the birth of the Church, how it works today, and where we all fit in it!

Who: All high school students (grade 9-12)

When: Saturday, November 5th

What time: 7:00pm Youth Mass followed by LifeNight from 8:00-10:10pm

Also, did you remember your 'homework' to win an extra token? Hint: Go on the youth ministry website and find the paragraph that tells you what you need to bring... ;)




Did you know that there will be some minor but important changes in the words we pray at Mass? Why are things changing? What is the most important part of the Mass?

Who: Grade 7 and 8 students

When: Friday, November 4th from 6:45-9:00pm
(Games begin at 6:45pm)

Where: Merciful Redeemer Parish Basement

Join us for a great night of fun and meet tons of other teens who are on fire for Christ! On this night we will learn about the changes that are taking place in the Mass, as well as the importance of the Eucharist.

Also, did you remember your 'homework'? If you did and you remember to bring it to Edge, you'll get an extra token! Hint: There is something you are supposed to ask your parents and you need to bring the answer with their signature... ;)

ATTENTION PARENTS: To help us make sign-ins easier and less crowded, if you have not yet filled a registration form for Edge, we ask that you fill it on the tables UPSTAIRS before taking your child downstairs for sign-ins.
For pick-up, please sign-out your child on the corresponding sheet and go right INSIDE the hall to pick up your child, and exit through the back door to help us keep the flow of people going. Thank you!

Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=170207999736411

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