If you think you have what it takes, we dare you to join us at LifeTeen this Saturday for a very interesting night in which we will discuss questions such as, is the devil real? Does hell actually exist? How can I protect myself from sin and evil? How do I fight back?
WHO? - All high school students (gr. 9-12), whether Catholic or not, whether regular LifeTeeners or not!
WHEN? - This Saturday, January 28, from 7:00-10:10pm (starting with the youth Mass)
WHERE? - Merciful Redeemer Parish
WHY? - Because evil is real and you need the right weapons to fight it!
Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/309765419059103/
Note for Parents:
Sign-ins are before the 7:00pm. Mass starts at 7:00pm, and LifeTeen will end at 10:10pm.
Please make sure to fill a NEW registration form, even if you have filled on in previous years.
PARENTS MUST COME to drop off and pick-up their teens. Otherwise, we require written authorization for their children to walk/bike home or be given a ride by someone else.
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