Welcome to my blog for Merciful Redeemer Parish's Youth Group! Here you will find information about Edge and LifeTeen, as well as our calendar of events and some pretty awesome resources to help you grow in your faith and develop a closer relationship with Christ! Enjoy! - Miri

Thursday, October 18, 2012

LifeTeen: Heroic Virtue!
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's LifeTeen's Night on the Virtues!! Ok, that was cheesy, I admit... but this LifeNight is going to be FANTASTIC(four)!! (Ok, I'll stop now :P) Ever feel that tug-of-war between the virtues and the vices in your life? Wait... what are virtues in the first place? How can you live a life of virtue if you are not even really sure what virtue is?

Join us for this Wonder(woman)ful... I mean... Amazing(Spiderman)... wow, I can't find a superlative (gah!!) word that is not somehow rel

ated to a super hero lol! Anyway, join us for a SUPER night on true virtuous heroism!! :D

(The funny thing is that I didn't actually do this on purpose... as I was typing, superhero names would just pop into my mind haha)

Remember, tokens are given for attendance, sitting at the front during Mass, and bringing new friends. Collect them and you can exchange them for cool items, and you can also win big prizes at the end of the year! (Last year we gave out an iPod)

See you all on Saturday!!


Edge: Are You Afraid of the Dark?? Magic and the Dangers of the Occult

Is magic real? What about the devil? Is he an actual spiritual entity or just a fairy tale character our parents use to coax us into doing the right thing? What's the big deal about horoscopes, divination, quiji boards, etc.?

If you have these or any other questions regarding evil and the occult, make sure not to miss this week's Edge night!
  When is it? Friday, Oct 19, 2012, from 6:45-9:00pm (please come early for registration if you have not yet registered for this Fall)

Remember, tokens are given for attendance, participation and bringing new friends. Collect them and you can exchange them for cool items, and you can also win big prizes at the end of the year! (Last year we gave out an iPod!)

Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/371644159585194/?notif_t=plan_user_joined

See you all on Friday!!

About the Youth Ministry: At LifeTeen and Edge, youth of all backgrounds gather to:
1) Learn about and discuss interesting and important issues that affect our life and our faith journey in a truth-focused but non-judgmental way.
2) Attend amazing events, such as field-trips, parties/socials and retreats (which are a ton of fun!!)
3) Support each other and work on building strong life-long friendships. 
4) Receive guidance and support from great role models.
5) And most importantly, work on our relationship with Christ through prayer, Adoration and the Sacraments!
- So, come grow in your relationship with Jesus, learn more about your faith, become better prepared to face the challenges of this world, meet new friends, and have lots of fun! J
- Tokens are given to teens for attendance and participation – prizes are given at the end of the year!
-  It is completely FREE, so invite all of your friends!!

-  Who is it for? Students in grades 7 and 8*
* Grade 8 students wishing to be Confirmed are asked to attend one Edge Night per “block” throughout the year in order to enhance their preparation for the Sacrament. More information on this will be given at the Confirmation Parent Meeting.
When?  Every Friday, from 6:45-9:00pm, EXCEPT for Long Weekends and Holidays
-  Who is it for? All high school students (grades 9-12) are invited**
-  When?  Every Saturday**, from 7:00-10:10pm, (including the 7:00pm LifeTeen Mass), EXCEPT for Long Weekends & Holidays (see below for special programming on the 1st Saturday of the Month)

LifeTeen Plus+
**Special Catechesis Series on the Year of Faith** for high school youth and young adults (18-30)
-  Are you seeking greater depth in your relationship with Christ? As a response to Pope Benedict XVI’s declaration of the Year of Faith, LifeTeen will present a special Catechesis series which will go even deeper into the mysteries and teachings of the Church.
-  We will explore various topics on theology, spirituality, apologetics, biblical studies and the lives of the saints, through guest speakers, video and audio talks, movies, documentaries and etc.
-  Teaching will be followed by discussion, prayer and Adoration (separate discussion groups for teens and young adults)
- Who is it for? All high school students (grades 9-12) and young adults (18-30 yrs old) are invited
-  When?  Every 1st OR 2nd Saturday of the Month, from 7:00-10:10pm, (including the 7:00pm LifeTeen Mass), EXCEPT for Long Weekends and Holidays

~For more info, visit our blog at http://mercifulredeemeryouth.blogspot.ca/
~Join our LifeTeen Facebook group at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mr.lifeteen/
~Join our Edge Facebook group at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Edge.MR/
~Follow us on Twitter: @LifeTeenMR

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