Welcome to my blog for Merciful Redeemer Parish's Youth Group! Here you will find information about Edge and LifeTeen, as well as our calendar of events and some pretty awesome resources to help you grow in your faith and develop a closer relationship with Christ! Enjoy! - Miri

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

GREAT NEWS for Teens! Free events, amazingly-low fee for Nov retreat, and more!!‏

Dear LifeTeeners,

God is good, ALL THE TIME!!!
I have very good news! :D (And also some important information about the retreat and upcoming events):

*All of the forms for the events are also available on "Permission Forms" tab: http://mercifulredeemeryouth.blogspot.ca/p/permission-forms.html


Retreat Form: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4bagRRsnuxmeFppT3NRd09Nenc/edit?usp=sharing

This is a workout-themed high school retreat that will teach you how to pray better, so that you can enter into a deeper relationship with Christ and receive the inner healing you really need! The retreat will be in Teopoli on November 1-3 and we will leave at 6:30 pm from the parish. The cost for the November retreat will be only $60 per person!! That includes 2 over-nights, accommodation, food, retreat registration and transportation!! WOW! You can't beat that deal!

2. FREE BUS TO LIFE-CHAIN - Sunday October 6. Bus leaves at 1:30 pm from the parish and returns at around 3:15-3:20pm. Everyone is invited! I won't be there, as I am getting married the day before, but there will be Core and A-Team going with you! :) For more info: http://www.lifechain.net/

LifeChain Form: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4bagRRsnuxmd2x6UFl5aG1YQ0E/edit?usp=sharing
3. On the Way to Bethlehem - Friday, November 29. Cost is $5. Bus leaves at 6:30 pm from the parish and returns at around 9:30 pm. Everyone is invited! For more info: http://www.onthewaytobethlehem.ca/

OTWTB Form: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4bagRRsnuxmS2E5ck9IaW9JSkk/edit?usp=sharing  
4. Steubenville Conference coming to Toronto - July 4-6!
Fr. Vid has agreed to subsidize $75 per person for the July 4-6 Steubenville (Toronto) Conference, which brings the price down to $200 plus bus, which should be cheap since it is in Toronto (includes conference registration, food and hotel accommodations for 2 nights). I am TH
RILLED! SO START SAVING UP!! Registrations are in January and it will be sold out really quick! For more info: http://www.steubenvilleconferences.com/youth

Permission form will be posted as soon as it becomes available.  

5. For those in the Edge Crew - If you are on Crew, attached is the permission form for the Crew Leadership Training conference for this Saturday, September 28. The bus leaves at 8:00 am from the parish and we will return around 4:30pm. Remember, this retreat is mandatory.

Crew Training Form: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4bagRRsnuxmYlZ2Zm9WWkFzbWM/edit?usp=sharing

Crew Training Day Outline: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4bagRRsnuxmQU5LZ0QxYTlUTEE/edit?usp=sharing

Let me know if you have any questions!!

Yours in Christ,

Miri Romero Alvarez
Youth Ministry Coordinator
Merciful Redeemer Parish

(905) 812-0030 ext. 7
Website: http://mercifulredeemeryouth.blogspot.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/miri.youthministry
Twitter: @LifeTeenMR

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