Welcome to my blog for Merciful Redeemer Parish's Youth Group! Here you will find information about Edge and LifeTeen, as well as our calendar of events and some pretty awesome resources to help you grow in your faith and develop a closer relationship with Christ! Enjoy! - Miri

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

This Week at LifeTeen and Edge (March 23-24)

LifeTeen - The Paschal Mystery Re-Defined!
You might think you know what the Paschal Mystery is all about... but do you really? Do you really know what it means for you in your life? We invite you to come to LifeTeen on Saturday, March 24th and take a look at the greatest mystery in history - the mystery of our salvation - from a completely new perspective. It might just change your life...

Who: High School Students (grade 9 - 12)

Where: Merciful Redeemer Parish

When: Saturday, March 24 - 7:00pm Mass, 8:15pm LifeTeen - For security reasons, the doors will be locked from the outside during the LifeNight at 8:30pm, so make sure to come downstairs before that!

Bring all your friends! :)

Fore more details, check the LifeTeen Tab

Edge (And Confirmation) - Even in my weakness, I am strong!

How can we deal with difficulties in our daily life? Why do we have to struggle so much sometimes? How can we find strength even in our weakness? If you have these or any other questions about how to deal with your daily crosses, come to Egde next Friday, March 23, when we will learn how to gain confidence in Christ who gives us the ability to live good and holy lives despite of our weaknesses, as well as discover the areas in our lives that we need to give over to Him.

Who? Grade 7 and 8 students

When? Friday, March 23rd from 6:45-9:00pm

Where? Merciful Redeemer Parish Basement

Bring all of your friends! :)

Fore more details, check the LifeTeen Tab

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